Yakuza Kiwami is one of the greatest remakes of all time. The manner in which this game pays homage to the first game in the series while still integrating new content of its own should definitely be praised. Yakuza Kiwami might still feel like a modern video game, but its roots from the classic PS2 era are apparent for everyone to see.

One of the best parts of Yakuza Kiwami is the Majima Everywhere system, which lets a fan-favorite character have his time in the limelight alongside Kiryu as well. There might be several detractors of the Majima Everywhere system, but the overall changes brought about by this mechanic are generally positive. If you wish to max out the Majima Everywhere system and enhance Kiryu's aptitude with the Dragon fighting style, here are all the tips you need to achieve the same.

7/7 Fight Majima As Much As Possible

Goro Majima in Yakuza Kiwami

Perhaps the most obvious advice that can be given to you if you wish to max out the Majima Everywhere system is that you should never avoid fighting Majima, no matter what. Every encounter against Majima is a way to increase the Majima Everywhere and get one step closer towards reaching that illustrious SSS Rank.

You should always be stocked up on healing items and Heat replenishers so that you can take care of Majima without breaking a sweat. Given how frequently these fights happen, it's very much possible that you might find yourself woefully underprepared to take on the Mad Dog of Shimano in certain instances. Don't give him the upper hand in these situations, and you should be fine.

Yakuza Kiwami Majima in the Pocket Circuit

Majima's subordinate, Nishida, has one of the most important roles in Yakuza Kiwami. It's through his messages that you'll get about all the secret Majima encounters that you can find all over the district of Kamurocho.

Whether it be a simple bowling match or an intense battle in the Pocket Circuit Stadium — the sheer number of unique Majima encounters in Yakuza Kiwami is massive. Without a guide, it's possible that you might not even figure out the depths of the Dragon fighting system since some of the ways to unlock it are so obtuse.

5/7 Learn Moves From Komaki To Unlock The Depths Of The Majima Everywhere System

Komaki in his dojo in Yakuza

While the bulk of the Dragon style is unlocked through fights against Majima, there is another way to unlock more moves for this style. This is accomplished through the teachings of Komaki, who will provide a host of valuable lessons for Kiryu... provided that his student brings back his valuable paintings that are currently present in the Coliseum.

The sheer number of diverse and powerful moves that Kiryu can unlock with this training is amazing, and it also paves the way for the Majima Everywhere system to progress when it's near completion too. So, by training with Komaki, Kiryu will essentially kill two birds with one stone.

4/7 Be Smart When It Comes To Spawning Different Versions Of Majima

Zombie Majima in Yakuza Kiwami

Some of the locked moves in the Dragon style can be quite annoying to unlock. You will probably have to fight a ton of Majima Everywhere encounters before spawning the exact version of Majima required to attain some meaningful progression in this style, which can get extremely annoying after a point.

Thankfully, you don't have to settle with fighting all the boring versions of Majima before encountering his unique variations. Instead, you can just seek out Majima on the map and run away if he's not the exact variation that you're seeking out. This is imperative to encounter Zombie Majima and Everyone's Idol Majima, two of the most annoying Majima spawns to encounter in the game.

3/7 Progress Through The Story To Enjoy Even More Of Majima Everywhere

Majima outside M Store in Yakuza Kiwami

After reaching a certain rank in Majima Everywhere, you'll find the Mad Dog of Shimano loitering outside West Park. This is because the content of Majima Everywhere also progresses along with the main narrative, and is gated after a point if the player does not progress enough in the storyline.

This can be slightly frustrating to deal with, but you should just bite the bullet and go through the game's story as soon as possible. This will allow you to enjoy even more Majima Everywhere content and get one step closer to attaining 100 percent completion.

2/7 Learn The Komaki Tiger Drop To Make Majima's Fights A Breeze

The Tiger Drop in action in Yakuza Kiwami

After a point, some of the battles against Majima can be quite grueling. The Mad Dog of Shimano wastes no time in letting Kiryu know that he's not playing around anymore. He'll start blocking grabs and dodging around more often, making the act of fighting him a chore if you're not powerful enough to deal with his onslaught.

Thankfully, there's a ridiculously powerful move in Yakuza Kiwami that will take care of most of these annoyances with the game. The Komaki Tiger Drop is infamous for being a powerful move that decimates the opposition, and using this move against Majima a few times will ensure that you'll get through these encounters without so much as a scratch.

1/7 Study Majima's AI In Battle

Kiryu fighting Majima in Beast style in Yakuza Kiwami

After fighting Majima time and time again, you'll realize that his attacks follow a pattern. He'll always dodge after Kiryu starts an attack, after which he'll start unleashing combos of his own.

This is where you should be crafty and throw out a single punch, before dodging around and finding an opening to strike while Majima is in the middle of a combo. If you have the Komaki Tiger Drop, then this would play out even more in your favor. By exploiting Majima's AI, you can bait him into throwing a series of punches before punishing him with this powerful counter.

Next: Yakuza: Things You Didn't Know Happened Between 0 and Kiwami